James Lyne – Cyber security expert

Topical keynote Speakers & Experts -

Cyber security expert and frequent keynote speaker James Lyne is a self-professed massive geek committed to information security awareness and education.

Specialist areas: Cyber security, cryptography, malware, phishing, social engineering, Internet and new media, technology innovation, history and future of computer security and IOT security.

A self-professed ‘massive geek’ and renowned cyber security expert, James Lyne is an information security speaker committed to educating those outside of the industry on security threats and best practice.

Energetic, passionate, and charmingly nerdy, he has become a leading keynote presenter by maximizing the impact of his security expertise through engaging presentations.

Using live demonstrations, showing how cyber criminals operate in the real world, James can involve and inspire an audience whether they are a group of tech wizards or your average computer user.

One keynote can convert forbidding tech jargon in to human language with the next sharing his technical expertise to those with extensive background knowledge.

His Passion

His passion to make cyber security accessible and interesting has led to James founding his company

Helical Levity, a high-end security research firm developing cyber industry education tools that identifies and develops new talent.His roles as an instructor and CTO at SANS means that keynotes are constantly updating and evolving.

Previous appearances include giving multiple TED talks, including the main TED event and appearing on a long list of national TV programs such as CNN, NBC, BBC News and Bill Maher.


With James’ ongoing research and cyber security constantly evolving, talks and keynotes are not limited to the below options.

James can fine-tune talks around a bespoke brief or current affairs in the security world.

However, these are four popular presentations that are widely requested and will get your audience thinking about their security habits.

Hacking with Words and Smiles

If someone put an invoice on your desk with “pay me” written in big red letters across the front, do you think you would consider who it was from before you opened your wallet?

What if someone came up to you in the street and said there was someone stuck in space and they needed you to send them some money to get back?

You would laugh and turn a blind eye to it.

So why don’t we apply our security knowledge of the real world to our digital personas?

In this keynote, James gives you the opportunity to see these issues for yourself with live cyber security demos and explains why everyone is a target to modern day hackers.

High quality social engineering is being used to access more of your information than you would think so maybe it’s time to move away from the laughable stereotypes and open our eyes to the fact that cyber crime has become more convincing than ever before.

Cyber Security Basics

Are your devices, your employees and your intellectual property open to attack?

If you’re liberally connecting to hotspots offering free internet and not taking additional steps to secure yourself, then the odds are you are vulnerable to hackers and it’s your own fault.

Our general behavior with mobile devices is to connect first and worry about it later but it is exactly this careless behavior that is making life easy for hackers and lining their pockets.

The Cyber Security Basics keynote will open your eyes to how much information we are really giving away and what we can do to make sure we are protected all the time.

Cyber Security and the Internet of Things

Think it’s just governments, large enterprises and high net worth individuals that are vulnerable to a cyber crime?

Think again.

In today’s wired and wireless world, simply owning a refrigerator, baby monitor or CCTV camera makes you a target for hackers.

With the internet of things market exploding and nearly all home gadgets being connected wirelessly, the door for hackers has become a lot easier to unlock.

In this keynote, along with live IoT hacking demos, James will discuss how your wireless TV is enough of a reason for a cyber-attack to be launched on you and what you need to do to make sure you are safe and secure.

Reverse Engineering Ransomware

With our lives becoming increasingly intertwined with the internet, it is not a question of if but when you may become victim to a cyber crime.

Hackers have become experts at finding weak spots in your security and ransomware is quickly becoming one of the most common ways to be targeted.

In this program, learn how ransomware is becoming a massive problem for business, small and large, and the common ways of becoming infected with malicious code.

Bringing these issues to life with real ransomware demos, James will chat you through exactly how these hackers find ways to make you trust them and hand over your hard earned cash.