Sabine Hübner – Serving your customers with excellence
Topical keynote Speakers & Experts - Marketing, Branding, E-commerce & Retail

- Service in the digital age. Digital or personal? Why OR?!
- Service culture means a head start. Because attitude cannot be copied
- Service makes the difference. How customers become happy and companies become successful
- Strikingly different. Surprisingly better. Delighting customers with intelligent service concepts
- Service happiness. With magical moments right into the customer’s heart
- The power of empathy.
- Those who empathize win. Creating unforgettable “human moments” with genuine “human moments”.
- Service happiness in KPIs. Measuring service performance correctly and managing it effectively
Their credo: “Service is not a project. Service is an attitude.”
About Sabine Hubner
Sabine Hübner is one of the leading service performance consultants in the DACH region. With her consulting agency forwardservice, she is committed to Customer Wow! Experience and empowerment and establishes a service attitude at all levels of the company.
At the same time, it has a unique variety of industries and feels the service pulse of the times like no other.
With its intelligent service concepts, it meets the ever-accelerating changes in the world and moves people to improve service.
As a speaker, Sabine Hübner fascinates on large and small stages and convinces both employees and management.
In doing so, she relies on a skilful mixture of profound expertise, memorable stories and a lot of humour.
Her presentations create a spirit of optimism and inspire a new attitude towards service. With her books, blogs and podcasts, she powerfully initiates reflection on the economic factor of service and is one of the 100 best trainers and influencers.
Sabine Hübner is an inspiring personality who is passionate and committed to creating a new service culture in companies.
If you want to improve service, you have to move people – Sabine Hübner can do just that. She is passionate about service.
You can see, hear and feel it.
Her trademarks: sharp wit, clear words, XXL glasses and a big heart. Sabine Hübner is the service performance consultant for the top players in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Your benefit: Trends, tips and inspiration on a sound basis. Useful for managers, entrepreneurs and employees in whose business service quality is of crucial importance. And for whom isn’t that the case.
Management consultant
What is close to her heart? Enthusiastic customers. And that always starts with the employee.
For years, Sabine Hübner has skillfully combined her wealth of experience as an entrepreneur with her technical expertise in consulting.
She supports companies in focusing on the customer and anchoring a strong service mindset in the corporate culture. In her in-house projects, she puts the “customer glasses” on employees and managers and provides impetus for a permanent development and change process.
She makes service deserts visible and helps transform them into oases.
Her way of working: Motivating, pragmatic and strong in implementation. Employees, companies – and their customers – benefit from her creativity and the high, practice-oriented utility value of her strategies.
The result: a service attitude that makes a real difference in the competitive environment.
Thought leader and trend scout
Service in the digital age
Digital OR personal? Why not digital AND personal?!
We live during a time in which the digital world has found its way into the material world.
The boundary between product and service is slowly dissolving. Products and services alone, meanwhile, are in no way sufficient enough to remain competitive.
Offering additional digital services in combination with the right service attitude can save the future for many companies in different industries. The client of today is more autonomous, informed, critical, and selective than they have ever been before. Every contact point a customer experiences within a company is a test.
If a service is not adequate, the customer leaves or communicates his displeasure publicly. Both of these possibilities can cost the company money and damage their reputation.
Disrupt or be disrupted.New companies that establish themselves successfully within traditional markets have the chance to turn entire industries and their established business models inside out.
They get rid of old habits and break certain unwritten rules of the industry. By doing this, they cut the ground out from under the feet of long-established companies. But this isn’t really necessary.
Digital and personalized services – these two things fit together perfectly. How to close the interfaces between digital and personalized service in an excellent way.
How digital services make your service performance truly valuable.
Faster than the customer. Fulfil the wishes of your customers that they didn’t even know they had.
How your company can make a name for itself during the age of digitalisation.
This lecture removes the fear of digitalisation and highlights the many possibilities that exist to survive and thrive in the world of tomorrow. And, how a company can fascinate customers with excellent service. It also motivates you to make the digital world your friend in life, and how the best of both the digital and material world can be combined in an outstanding way.
Service makes the difference
How customers become happy and companies successful
About 70% of employees in Germany work in the service sector. They generate about 70% of the gross value added. Statistically, we could have already reached the point of a nationwide service oasis – but in reality we have not yet reached this point. Whenever a client is caught in the queue on a hotline or has to wait at the counter for a long time, it is like the customer becomes a supplicant beggar.
The client is buffeted by indifferent employees, silenced by managers who focus only on costs, and pushed aside by unimaginative, standard products. The client is not a king at all.
What we need is a completely different service atmosphere in our country. We need employers and employees who love service.
We need brilliant ideas and active people who do everything to make big ideas come true. Even if they encounter resistance at first – which is absolutely normal. Those who break existing patterns always encounter resistance. Some common phrases you will hear in resistance are: “We have never done it like this before,” “Who will pay for this,” “We do not even have the capacities to do this!” “ This administration effort will be our downfall.”
- Being satisfied is not enough. Excellent service is the key to market leadership.
- How excellent service is defined and what needs to be considered in reference to service performance.
- How service makes life easier, nicer and better.
- Successful examples which make you look forward to great service.
Result This lecture wants to encourage and inspire you.
Be different than others, be better than others! Count on excellent service.
You will see how much fun good service is for both you, and for your customers. What is even better is the fact that you can directly see the emotional profit: Perfect service captivates everyone. And in the long run, you will see how quality service reflects itself in your finances. Because perfect service not only makes you more successful – it also makes you just a little bit richer.